Cities #13

A magic number even for the Kaballah, 13 has a powerful religious meaning: it is the number associated with Lucifer’s revolt!

CITIES 13  is made up of 11 new or even unpublished photographic stories, and 1 Syntographic story, to which we have given the cover because the syntography, especially if made by good photographers, can offer powerful visuals:
Imaginary Tales:
Phil Toledano – Another America (his cover)
Jesse Marlow – de(Compositions) (one of Australian finest author, sophisticated, artistic series)
Cristiano Zingale – Reriate (a very well constructed, well-developed interesting story)
Reality Tales:
Maurizio Faraboni – Zombieland (unreleased, Maurizio was in Philadelphia in June with Bruce Gilden and another photographer and made a dramatic reportage on the effects of the new synthetic drug that is destroying thousands of human beings in USA, and is also arriving in Europe)
Rosa Mariniello – Reconnections (the reportage she made for TIM after the flood in Romagna)
Nima Taradji – The Protectors (a powerful report denouncing Native American efforts to prevent the new pipeline from polluting the remaining aquifers on the reservations)
Ritual Tales:
Settimio Benedusi – Kappa FuturFestival (a good WRONG work (it’s not true of course) by the volcanic Italian Author
Ximena Echague – Khumb Mela (an original series in the cuts and visions of one of the most well-known mass events)
Christelle Enquist – Upholding Tradition (it’s not Ascot, but a beautiful work set in Menorca)
Street Tales:
Liliana Ranalletta- London Streets (the winning series of the Sanremo Street Festival, London!)
Jonathan Jasberg – Hakanai yume datta (Kyoto’s historic Gion district in a powerfull street series)
Nazile Bolat – The Dreamers (the visionary and dreamlike street of the Turkish photographer Bolat, beautiful)

CITIES Magazine
Edited by ISP –
Concept and editing by Angelo Cucchetto
Attilio Lauria, editor at large, preface
Sonia Pampuri, editor, story texts
Gianluca De Dominici, editor at large
Richard Bram, editor at large
Giuliano Cossu, final editing and graphics 
Cover by Phil Toledano

This issue, entirely in English, can also be downloaded free of charge from 5 December in digital version as a PDF at, while the printed version of the magazine, at a cost of € 20 per copy, will be available for Italy and throughout Europe, with shipping costs depending on location.


What is CITIES? Cities is a printed magazine with a six-monthly issue dedicated to urban photography, but not only:)  12 issues already produced, if you want to know more about the mag please  read HERE

An important detail: the choice of works to be published in Cities is made by the editorial staff, currently composed of Angelo Cucchetto, Richard Bram,  Gianluca De Dominici, Attilio Lauria, Sonia Pampuri. The choice is made in a meritocratic way, by carrying out continuous online scouting on recent circulating works by authors from all over the world, on reports, on works that are submitted to us via email (, and ultimately on the taste of editorial board. The selected authors DO NOT pay to be published, the magazine is supported ONLY with the sales of the same. The Mag does NOT contain ads and we do NOT receive funds from any company.

Some of the Authors published in the last issues of CITIES:

Aananda Antahleen, Federico Arcangeli, Gabi Ben Avraham, Maude Bardet, Diego Bardone, Maria Grazia Beruffi, Andrea Bettancini, Richard Bram, Giuseppe Cardoni, Adriano Cascio, Loredana Celano, Diana Cheren Nygren, Bojan Chibsterr, Lorenzo Cicconi Massi, Luigi Cipriano, Michele Di Donato, Fulvio Eandi, Cody Ellingham, Massimiliano Faralli, Giovanni Firmani, Joseph Ford, Roberto Gabriele,  Giorgio Galimberti, Jonathan Jasberg, Jonathan Higbee, Julie Hrudova, Giacomo Infantino, Fabio Itri, Michele Liberti, Gianmarco Maraviglia, Mc Enamul Kabir, Gabriele Lopez, Robbie McIntosh, Stefano Mirabella, Yalda Moaiery, Fabio Moscatelli, Tadashi Onishi, Simona Ottolenghi, Graziano Panfili, Giovanni Paolini, Stuart Paton, Pia Parolin, Sergio Perez, Graziano Perotti, Lorenzo Pesce, Raffaele Petralla, Roberto Polillo, Giovanni Presutti, Simone Raeli, Michelle Rick,  Gulnara Samoilova, Andrea Scirè, Nancy A. Scherl, Alain Schroeder, Ilya Shtutsa, Sakulchai Sikitikul, Lisa Sorgini, Jeffrey Stockbridge, Streetmax21, Max Sturgeon, Liu Tao, Lia Taddei, Nick Turpin, Giedo Van Der Zwalt, Marietta Varga, Umberto Verdoliva, Francesco Verolino, Rebecca Wiltshire, Anna Zemella, Lorenzo Zoppolato.

Follow us on our FB channel  or IG channel for more updates! WATCH in YouTube Cities 11 videos at
